Welcoming all Seniors on the North Shore for over 35 Years!
Keeping Seniors mobile and well through fitness, health awareness, social contact and wellness education.
North Shore Keep Well Society is a registered charity with the goal of encouraging and helping older adults to keep themselves well by leading active and independent lives. We provide free drop-in programs in which older adults can learn and practice regular keep well activities. Our volunteer-led organization is supported through memberships, donations and funding from community partners.
We believe that the quality of seniors’ lives is enhanced when they exercise, eat wisely, learn to relax, do enjoyable things both physical and mental, continue to learn and grow, help each other, and play active roles in their communities. We also believe that people can be encouraged and helped to keep themselves well.
Keep Well Brochures

Keeping Seniors Active
Keep Well is a free exercise and wellness program that provides fitness, health awareness, wellness education and social contact to help older adults lead active and independent lives.
Our program takes place at 8 locations from Parkgate to Dundarave and includes one hour of physical exercise followed by optional blood pressure checks, health coaching, massage, speakers, social times and other wellness activities. Our programs are inclusive and free to attend. You are welcome to observe one of our classes before participating. Pre-registration is not required. Additional wellness resources are available on our website.
Our program is: Weekly, Free, Inclusive, Drop-In, and year-round (except August) at 8 locations across the North Shore.