2 frozen pie shells, unbaked
This recipe is used with left-over roast beef, is quite easy and final cooked ingredients
can be portioned into ziplock bags and frozen for individual servings as a beef stew.
You can change up the vegetables and/or substitute cooked chicken for the beef and
chicken broth instead of beef broth. Enjoy.

Soften carrots in microwave
Cook onions in butter until soft
Add dry ingredients (flour, salt, pepper)
Stir in broth and milk
Simmer until thick
Add meat and veggies to liquid mixture
Put above mixture into deep dish pie shell. Put top crust on (moisten edges) and cut
slits in top. (Optional - Brush bottom with egg white to try to keep it crisp before filling.)
Cook in oven at at 450 degrees for 30-35 minutes until crust is brown. You can cover
the shell with foil to prevent the crust from burning but remove before end so that it
Recipe Provided by Jana Duval, submitted by Cheryl Cowan
Soften carrots in microwave
Cook onions in butter until soft
Add dry ingredients (flour, salt, pepper)
Stir in broth and milk
Simmer until thick
Add meat and veggies to liquid mixture
Put above mixture into deep dish pie shell. Put top crust on (moisten edges) and cut
slits in top. (Optional - Brush bottom with egg white to try to keep it crisp before filling.)
Cook in oven at at 450 degrees for 30-35 minutes until crust is brown. You can cover
the shell with foil to prevent the crust from burning but remove before end so that it