Yearly Archives: 2020

Videos now online for all Keep Well Participants

Keep Well has posted Andy Demeule’s Original Video and his most recent one through Parkgate Community Centre. Now you can exercise at home with Andy. They are located on the Website under the last column of “News”- go to Videos. The Parkgate site also has other types of exercises for Seniors, including Chair Yoga. Go [...]

2021-11-18T07:42:58-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|

Notice to ALL participants, volunteers, Agency partners and members of North Shore Keep Well Society.

We have been monitoring the public health alerts and have made the decision to close ALL Keep Well sites effective immediately “until further notice”. Our mandate and priority is the health and wellness of ALL people involved in our programs. Thank you for your understanding. Cheryl Cowan, Interim President of the North Shore Keep Well [...]

2021-11-18T07:42:22-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|

Looking for: Volunteer Board Members

North Shore Keep Well is looking for Volunteer Board Members, connected to the North Shore Communities, and interested in keeping seniors healthy. If you (or someone you know) has recently retired, a lawyer, a professional person, a family member (or other) and are interested in helping seniors, please contact Michelle at (604) 988 7115 ext [...]

2021-11-18T07:42:23-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|

Annual Membership Signup

Keep Well will be having an Annual Membership Sign Up during the last of February and Early March. Please watch for Notices on the Website. Your membership means a lot to the North Shore Keep Well Society. Thank you for your support!

2021-11-18T07:42:23-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|

Thank you, Coordindators!

North Shore Keep Well wants to thank all coordinators who made their best effort to contact all participants in the Keep Well Program for last minute closures due to heavy snow impact. Thank you to the participants for your understanding. Your safety is very important.

2021-11-18T07:42:23-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|
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